Lots of patients will come to us complaining of gaps between the teeth caused by gum recession. Although the teeth are healthy, it can look like food is stuck between the teeth when smiling. Here you can see that the simple replacement of these two existing front crowns with new ceramic crowns improved the smile … Continue reading Crown Case 1

A smile makeover involves different methods in our armoury to give you the Hollywood smile you are looking for. Here we had a tired smile with lots of issues. To start we improved the state of the gums over 4 hygiene sessions with Anne. We then proceeded to extract several decayed teeth. We then finally … Continue reading Crown Case 2

In instances where a tooth fails, it can often be an opportunity to refresh the smile and replace old and failing dental work. Here we had a fractured front tooth and some old crowns further back that were yellow and showing black lines on the gum margins. The replacement of these restorations with new ceramic … Continue reading Crown Case 3

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