In cases where we have large gaps, implants offer a great solution to replace missing teeth. Given the implants are inserted directly into the space, this helps protect the remaining teeth by disturbing the pressure on the existing teeth when chewing. Here 2 implants were painlessly inserted and then 3 false teeth were finally screwed … Continue reading Dental Implants 1

When we are faced with the unfortunate position of having to lose all existing teeth, implants will give you back fixed teeth giving you back the confidence to eat, smile and talk with confidence. Here we have a fixed (all on 4) procedure. The placement of 4 implants was digitally planned and then 4 implants … Continue reading Dental Implants 2

We are so often faced with the distressing situation of having to lose a front tooth. Here we have a case where this lady had recurrent infections under an existing crown. The tooth was removed, and an implant inserted into the space to support a new tooth. To even up this smile, we also placed … Continue reading Dental Implants 3

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